Tuesday, October 6, 2009

zakary's first trip back east alone with daddy

laurel and i put zak and daddy on the plane EARLY morning monday to fly back to N.Caroline to see big sister Deirdre for a few days. He wanted to go so that he could go the beach but didnt want to "live" at Deirdre's house. He means he didnt want to sleep there.
Night times are still quite scarey for Zak although he has come a very long ways since we adopted him. He of course wanted me to go but i was staying home to get laurel to school and i had the week off from work so was going to take some time for me and then spend some girl time with laurel(she doesnt get alotta momma time).
The boys arrived,alot of travel and very tired. I get a panicked call that he had woken up in the rental car while driving and of course it was now dark and he was all off and i wasnt there. Crying terribly. poor little guy.
Dad stopped and got a happy meal and he was better,im sure in part the time diff,exhaustion and being all off schedule and time was not making things any easier for him.
They got to Sister Deirdre's house and had a good dinner and turned in early and woke up much happier. They were off to the beach this am to collect Sea shells,the only reason he really wanted to go at all and then this afternoon they are off to try ice skating. LOL LOL LOL HA HA HA i cant wait to see pics of this...dad and Zak on Ice skates.
Laurel and i are enjoying our selves,although she has been tired so a bit cranky.
Will post pics of this trip soon as we get some.

1 comment:

Annie said...

So glad you are having some girl time with Laurel!! Enjoy!!