Tuesday, October 20, 2009

October 2009

As many of you know,Zakary is preety well known for his funny little conversations and what we call "Zakaryisms". He and I had a cute discussion a while back. I was getting dressed and he told me he wanted "boobys"just like mine. i explained that we all had boobies,just that mine were bigger cuz i wwas a girl. I expalined that he had some things that i didnt have and that i thought he was pretty lucky to be a by and have a boy Pee Pee,he was able to stand up and pee and pee outside,etc. he thought that was pretty col after all.
Zak also discovered his cleft lip repair for the first time the other day while having the oil changed in the car with daddy. He and daddy discussed what it was and told him again how special he was to have that little piece to him that makes him so unique and who he is. He then came home to tell me "mommy,i am REALLY REALLY special" i agreed totally..... He said,"im so special cuz i have a lip and a boy pee pee"....... Thats our Zakary.

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