Thursday, August 13, 2009

where did the wek go?

August 13 2009
So the past 2 weeks have been a blur. First zak the flu, and boy was he sick. then laurel the flu and boy was i scared. She breezed thru fairly easily although neither of the two are by any means 100% yet. Both asking for naps and for bed time,about an hour earlier than usual.
Then what was the worst that could happen??? yes mom could get the flu too. She did,and i am still feeling crappy. Employee health has me out till next week,7 full days following the onset of symptoms. I have still such fatigue and the pain in my ears from pressure is killing me.
So far,dad is squeeking by.
I have posted some pics from the week while i have been home sick. One day,laurel stayed behind with me and dad took Zak bike rideing,and this eve,the kids participated in their first class of sparring for their Tae kwon Do. They have been taking lessons for a few months now but had not gotton into the sparring part,till last night when the instructor asked who would be there this eve and both kids threw their arms arm and said "me me me me" so we were . We zipped from laurels gym class to Tae Kwon Do where they had a blast and wore them out good. Although,we are finding that that kind of activity really winds Zak up. He has been talking and going a mile a min since we left sparring. LOL LOL LOL i told Stan,ok,warm dinner,warm bath,benedryl and MAYBE he will go to sleep? LOL Will let you know how that worked for us later on.


Annie said...

Glad the kids are feeling better. Hope Mom start feeling better soon:) Boys do LOVE to hit things:)

KaraP said...

Stan needs to come cycling with me and my team sometime soon.