Friday, June 26, 2009

Zakary's ears

many of you know that Zakary had tubes ut in his ears along with his palate repair 2 yrs ago next month, He has done very very well with them but at his annual cranio facial eval they discovered that that they had fallen out and he was full of fluid,thus causing his hearing to be poor. i knew it all along but no one until the actual eval and the official hearing test would admit it so he went along his way not hearing well.
The palate surgeon had been away having his first child so had no avail appts to see him or to redo the tubes,the doc here in vallejo the same,nothing at all avail for a long time.
Finally we got a call that they had opened up a surgery day for July 9 for him in oakland. So, we will go down there,they will do the pre op appts that am and the surgery then,all at one time and place. We will keep you all posted on it all.
Woiuldnt you know,he and laurel start swim lessons that week,we will see where we go from there regarding lessons. ARGH!!!!....
WE are prepping for the 4th of july parade with the gymnastic school and the pre school,both groups march in the parade so Zak and i will decorate the wagon for him and pre school and Dad and laurel will march together with the gymnastic school.
The wagon has had a long winter,its full of dirt and mud from outdoor California winter play. Gona take some work to get it all cleaned out,guess the kids and i have our wekend fun cut out for us. LOL LOL

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