Saturday, June 13, 2009

Laurel graduates pre school

So my Laurel is an official kindergartner now.
She had her little pre school graduation the other day and they are done now for the summer. now my big kids never did pre school graduations so i am not sure really what to make of such a thing,a bit over the edge if you ask me but it was short,sweet and cute.
The kids each made their own little cap with tassle and all and wore little blue capes.
her class was called the "lion cubs". The came across the street from the pre school building to the park where the ceremony was held,all hanging on to the rope so as not to stray,very cute.
The president of the parent co op pre school gave a quick little welcome and a quick story for the kids and then they sang a couple cute songs and were awarded their little diplomas.
There was a light lunch served following and as we were headed from the stage to the lunch area,laurel says "ohhh mom,graduating makes me sooooo hungry" LOL LOL so we got alotta fruit and some cake and played for a bit and then head on our way.
I just cant get over that she will be starting Kindergarten in August,im just not sure how that happened and where the time went.

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