Thursday, April 30, 2009

kate E Rose update April 30 2009

Katy and kate were hoping to be coming home today, she is holding her blodd sugar much better on her own although they are still monitoring very carefully without her IV drip.
Her runny little C.Difficile poos sem to be a tad bit better but still running and she is still lazy at eating.
The problem now is that her Bilirubin isnt going down and it should be now that she is one week old today. they will be drawing blood to do some test for a couple different blood disorders,something having to do with red blood cells bursting before they should and keeping bili from going down. If there is a blood disorder,the pediatrician says that they are quite manageable,i asked what does quite manageable mean? they say like stay away from Goats milk and Flava beans,anyone know what a Flava bean is? LOL
Guess it wont be too tough to manage if thats the biggest issues. LOL
Isaiah is struggling with this being away from home and mom so long. He and I went down this afternoon to visit,i stayed with kate and they were able to take a walk and play Monopoly in the play room for a while. He will be back with us now,since this whole trip is taking just way too long. So there is where we stand now....
We are hoping perhaps this weekend? saturday for homecoming? i will keep you all posted as we progress. thanks for all your thoughts a prayers,keep them coming.


1 comment:

Lou Ellen said...

Oops! I posted my response (about Fava beans and favism) prior to your post showing up!! lol. You'll have to read it under the previous update.