Saturday, November 15, 2008

sunny November weather 2008

ok so who would guess that saturday November 15 2008 would be 80 degree's out,at the beach. Only here in Calofornia,and even in California, pretty amazing.
We packed a lunch,swim suits and sun screen. Drove to Stinson beach and WOW was it amazing. There was the slightest of breeze,barely enough to keep us cool and the sun was shining brightly all day.
The kids love the water and esp picking up sea shells. now when we arrived,about 11 am the time was soooooooooooo far in,there was hardley any beach at all. I had never seen it like that i dont think, and i have spent alot of time growing up at Stinson Beach.
The kids were pooped out by the end of the day,and we actually have a stroller picture attached here of them both crying hysterically while we are heading back to the car from a walk thru town. We cant believe that we would spend thanksgiving at the beach.

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