Sunday, October 12, 2008

happy 5th anniversary mom and dad

I had to share a cute out of the mouth of babes with you all.
Today is Stan and my 5th wedding anniversary. 5 years ago we were on a sail boat in the SF bay with friends and family as the Blue Angels were doing their thing above us and we were exchanging wedding vows. 5 short years later,so much has happened to us, a grandchild and 2 new children of our own. We have done so very much in such a very short time. of course when u are old like we are,you gotta keep moving or nothing will get done.

So this morning Stan is getting ready to go to the store,and take the kids with him.
In the bedroom he and zakary are visiting. Zak comes out and says to me" mommy,we are going to the store to get a surprise" i answered "oh,that will be fun" he says "yes,we are going to get you some flowers" LOL LOL LOL what ever made dad think that he could entrust a secret/surprise with a 3yr old??? we both laughed and off they went to the store. I cant wait to see my surprose,they should be home any time.


OH MY #6 said...

Happy 5th my friend!


caroline said...

Happy anniversary beth and stan
all our love
car, bill , jack fu, baby Gracie

Lou Ellen said...

Happy Anniversary!! (A few days late)

Kimberly said...

Happy Anniversary you two!! You have sure made the most of these five years and look at the beautiful family you have added to!

Tagged you today Beth