Monday, October 27, 2008

busy weekend/October

Ok, so i have figured out how to make a cool slide show,thanks to my good friend who i have met here on line within one or more of the adoption yahoo groups. We have actually been communicating and following and encouraging each other along during our waiting for our children as well as our travel. She walked me thru,ok, more than once the way to get this slode show to go. So now i have this down but am not sure if there is a way to journal along with the slide show so that you all know whats going on. So,until i figure that out, i will journal this way the best i know how. LOL
So the first slide show,labeled Apple Hill is from our Saturday this weekend at Apple Hill,we go each year to the apple farms and ride ponies,pick pumpkins,eat carmel apples and eat BBQ. This has been a yearly tradition since my BIG kids were little kids. We have just continued on the tradition.

The second slide show is Last night at the Shoreling theater where we have gone several years about this weekend to the Bridge School Concert, this is a school locally that neil Young(yes crosby,Stills nash and young) His wife founded and has run now for many years. It is a school for severly disabled children,i do believe that they have one and maybe two children,now adults of course who are severly disbled. We met up with some frineds from Vallejo,sat on the lawn and the kids danced and collected Leafs. The weather could not have been nioer but it did getcool as it got later in the eve.


OH MY #6 said...

Looks awesome!


Lou Ellen said...

Beth, once you paste your slide show into the blog, you can write below it before "publishing" OR you can publish (that way you won't chance losing the slide show), then EDIT the post & write whatever you like.

BTW, your slide shows look great!

Blessed said...

Hi Beth,

I like your new blog. I actually prefer it over the other one. It's easier to read.

It looks great!