Saturday, September 12, 2009

"zakaryism's" Sept 2009

many of you know that Zakary likes "his things" many of you out there as well i know have children very similar to Zak in that sense. i am very sure its a security thing,a control thing and a "Mine" thing and that is all ok at this point in the game.
The latest is Zakary's "clothes pin friends". The other day,i saw him emptying all my clothes pins into a plastic bag,when asked what he was doing,he looked up at me in his sweet way and said "oh, these are all my clothes pin frineds". "ooohhhhh" i said. later i found them hung on the door knob by a rubber band and a pulley that i also use on occasion on the outdoor clothes line. I laughed right out loud.
Zak still likes to keep al his "treasures" in one spot,in this case,a large cardboard box that he then ties shut with one of his belts. He keeps his latest Mcdonalds toys,his money,piggy bank,any packaged candy he may have recently gotton at Tae Kwon Do and god alone knows all what else. We have all just learned to accept that,we dont even notice it any more,i did have to wrestle it all from my laundry basket where it all was kept for a very long time to this box after i got tired,one too many times of carrying my laundry from the dryer to the bed in bundles and without a basket.
Now Zakary is really enjoying "doing" things with dad,building,creating and so on.
He found a nail,a very small nail the other day and asked that he have it hammered in to the shelf so that he could hang his belt on it. so that we did. But then he wanted it to still hang on the hanger on the nail,so much like his dad,we have stuff "hanging" all over the place.

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