Its time to catch up here and hopefullu i can recall how to post a picture or two as well. On Sunday October 5,we celebrated laurel's 4th birthday at the gym where laurel takes gymnastics classes. The kids had about an hour of gym play and coaching and got to use some of the equipment. We had pizza and Birthday cake and then the long awaited "Dora" pinata that laurel planned for for a year. Everyone had a great time.
October 7 was laurel's official 4th birthday, nothing terribly special that day but zakary did start with his new Speech Therapist. He seems to like her, and she LOVES him. She left me a message on my cell phone that afternoon telling me that he was absolutly darling,the sweetest,cutest thing since sliced bread. I chuckled, We think so as well.
That same evening,as we were getting ready for bed,zakary standing on the bed,swung his arm towards dad,we think to give hugs,missed and threw himself off the bed,on his head onto the hard wood floor. This was not a good thing,a lump as big as Texas came up before i could even pick him up off the floor,he was crying hysterically,and immediatly wanted to go to sleep.
Off to the Emergency room we went only to spend the night in the observation room where he was diagnosed with a concussion,and sent home the next morning to take it easy and rest a few days. He seems to be fine but let me tell you all,that was SCAREY!!!! you would think that after 5 kids,it would not have been quite so scarey but there was something about THIS head crack that was different than any that any of the other kids had ever had. i just knew when it happened that this was NOT A GOOD ONE!! Poor little boy,so far,in less than 18months home with us,6 stitches in his chin and now a concussion.
I Guess we are about up to date now, Stan and i will celebrate our 5th wedding anniversary tomorrow, Oct 12. We will do a movie and dinner,assuming no one falls on their head and gets a concussion before then.