May 21 2009
2 years ago this afternoon,Zakary joined our family. It was a grey and rainy,very hot and humid day in Guangzhou. We waited allllll day to go to the Civil Affairs office to meet him. What does a family do all day till 4 om in a foreign country where you have already been for 3.5 days and have waited for 8 months to happen? eat breakfast,wander the streets,get anxious,get nervous,a little sick to your stomach with anxiety and nerves,ohhh eat lunch,get the sibling who is only 2 at the time a late nap,wait some more,look at eachother,wait some more,look at eachother some more,wonder what the other parent is thinking,feeling,is it the same as i am? watch the sleeping sibling sleep and wonder what it will be like with 2 kids the same age. Wonder how they will get along? adjust,how he will transition to our family at age 27months,to our country,our food and so on. All this goes on between breakfast and 4 pm.
FINALLYYYYY...wake the sleeping sibling,change clothes and go to the Civil Affairs office. Whats a few more min to wait at this point>what? a few more minutes? LOL LOL
There he is!!!!! walking in to meet us,tiny as can be,so scared and weak. hanging skin on his little tiny baby sized butt. But finally!!! he is here,we are there and we are his!!!he is ours!! and 2 years a different child has emerged from that little tiny scared,and weak baby boy. A robust,healthy,verbal,energetc and smart little pre schooler now. no more sagging skin anywhere,infact a tight little firm body now. He and sibling are the best of friends,infact,they dont like being apart at all. He has transitioned to our family beautifully,no problems there at all and to our country and life style as well. He has done amazingly well.He is still timid at times but no longer scared. He is shy to new things but gets out and tries them all,esp with sisters guidance. He is an amazing new boy.
Happy 2nd anniversary of our forever family day Zakary....We are sure glad we have been given the privilage of being your family. All of us ,your entire family.
I will post pics later of then and now.....but he is still asleep right now,curled up next to daddy and sister,ohhh and buddy the dog.