Monday, May 11, 2009


May 10 2009
Mothers day is here again. And for some reason,i have yet to have a restful mothers day,now i didnt say i had not had a good mothers day,they are all good but restful is another story entirely.
On top of a VERY busy weekend,then moms day.
i must say though it is lovely when the grown kids have their own paychecks and make the plans and pay the tabs.
i had a lovely lunch with my big son,chris who is almost 30. he will be getting married in august just a few days after his 30th birthday. And a very large arrangement of wonderfully smelling flowers. A nice long visit since the grill in the restaurant went down at some point right after our orders went in, therefore no food came for quite a while. It was just fine since we had a table outside and got to sit and visit.
Later that day, katy and i took all the kids to visit the Jelly belly factory,that was fun as well. The grandkids brought me a wonderful charm bracelet with a charm reading "Nana". Funny to be a nana and a mommy all at the same time.
Sometimes zak and laurel will ask me,
are you a nana or a mommy? i explain that i am both.
Towards the end of the day,and the kids were tired of hearing all about mothers day this and mothers day that Zakary asked me "when is it gonna be Zakary day".
For the third night in row,Zak had a terrible melt down,part from exhaustion and part from just having a rough time lately. Zak has been quite wild and almost unmanagable at times,angry and strong and physical. We are not sure what to do with him or even how to handle him at times,we are taking him to look at a Tae kwon Do class tomorrow after noon in hopes that perhaps that may help some.
Hope you all had a great moms day!!!! Till later...

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