Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Kids activities/Moms bday and she is HOW OLD?

The kids are keeping dad very busy with all their activities. The kids each go to Pre school. Laurel goes on her own and dad volunteers in the classroom a few times a month.
zak and dad still go to the pre school together where the parents participate. All is going VERY well. Laurel will be graduatng from her pre school since she will be starting Kindergarten in the fall. yes,Kindergarten and where did the time go?
She will then attend with Zak and dad their program for fun over the summer.
The kids have been playing tball which i have posted about with pics,this eve is their last day and they have just recently started a Tae kwon Do class,we are hoping that if they go together for a bit,since Zak still really needs his sister for guidance that she will not have to continue unless she really wants to, she can do her gymnastics that she has been taking for some time now and is realy excelling at and that zak will be able to continue Tae Kwon Do on his own,for we feel he would really benefit from it all,help him control his anger and frustration,discipline which we all need and so forth. We will keep you posted on all that. Zak is still attending spccech therapy one time a week and that will end for the summer as the school year ends. the speech therapist is recomending one more year,before he starts kindergartne and that he should be all up to speed at that time. he is doing vry well and by the way,tomorrow,may 21 we will celebrate 2 years since Zak joined our family. i will post then and now pics tomorrow,he has changed just a little bit. LOL

We celebrated mom's 51st bday over this past weekend. We spent a wonderful day at bodega bay where we sorta by accident found my brother and his wife camping and celebrating his wifes bday which was the 19th. yes i am about 48 hrs older than she is ans she will make sure you know it.
We played at their camp ground and spent some time at the beach. the weather wa perfect and then stopped for a wonderful Seafood dinner on our way home. We wished we had known earlier that they were there camoing,we'd have joined them a night or 2. perhaps next year.
So i think we are all caught up to date for the time being. i will try to do better.
Between my job,my children,graandchildren and my volunteer positions with Love without boundaries and being on the FCC board,i really get busy and dont keep up with all my blogging responsibilitiers and for that i apologize. just know that we are busy and all doing very very well.

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