Tuesday, March 17, 2009

march 2009

so i have been so busy that i cant keep up any more!!!! help!
We celebrated our grandson isaiah's 6th bday last weekend with a party at the park with friends and family,i just cant understand where the years have gone. i was in the delivery room when he was born,i helped pull him from his momma's body,and i recall it like just last night. He has turned in to such a nice little guy,so much fun to have around and so polite.
The big even at our house is that we have adopted again... this time,a 1 yr old terrier mix puppy,his name is "Buddy" and he is just the sweetest,most gentle well behaved little guy. so far h is just the perfect fit for our family.
We took him to the dog park the day after we brought him home,the weather was wet and grey but not raining so off we went. Zak was chasing him thru the dog park,as children will do,when he slipped,slid and sploosh!!!!! right into a pile of dog poop. yes!!! someone failed to clean up after their dog,despite the fact that our tax payers money provieds bags and gloves at the gate into the park,someone just couldnt be bothered.
He sat up,held his right hand up and said "ohhh mommy,whats that" i laughed so hard i cried. nothing on his clothes,shoes or anywhere but the right hand. Took him to the water fountain and washed him down and we were back to chaseing the new pet. I think he is going to be dad's good buddy,they are already very close. He,Buddy that is, not dad,sleeps under the bed covers,way down under,we arnt sure how he breathes but he seems do do fine.
Both kids are doing well in Pre school...Laurel seems to be adjusting well to her new pre school,she has some new friends and dad has done his first day of parent co-oping last week. he said it seemed like a good program.
Zak sswems to be having some seperation stuff going on at night esp,i help him to bed,to sleep and then off i go. He is wakeing up more often and crying for me to come back to sleep with him. he also has a "thing" about certain things that i wear. He does NOT like me to wear my glasses. He doesnt like me to wear a certain swet shirt that i like and he wants me to wear my blue night gown to bed. He is really funny about stuff like that. Funny little guy!!!
laurel is having some attitude issues,a real 4 yr old GIRL!!!!! UGH.....Zak tries it on for size after she does as well.
We are really looking forward to the spring and oour lighter evenings so that we can get down to walk the dog and the kids can ride their bikes at the water in the evenings.

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